Epidemiological Profile of Users of the Family Health Unit Covered Area

  • Cintia Domingos Nascimento UEFS
  • Ilva Santana Santos Fonseca Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS
  • Samara Bruno Moura UEFS
  • Thaize Carvalho Estrela UEFS
  • Maria Angela Nascimento UEFS


In the USF is essential that the professionals know the families’ reality which they assist in their social, economic, cultural, demographic and epidemiological characteristics. This study aimed to know the epidemiological profile of the PSF covered area. The field of study was the Homero Figueiredo USF, in the city of Feira de Santana-BA. The research is descriptive, with a quantitative approach and a transversal outline. The data was collected for the year 2007 through the Information System of Primary Care (SIAB), based on the indicators of basic care of the Pact for Health, 2007, observed: the total number of newborn and number of newborns with low birth weight; number of pregnant women registered and monitored, number of children under two years and the number of children under two years vaccinated, number of people with diabetes and the number of people with hypertension. The population of the covered area is 4,735 people, of whom 21.0% are children from 0 to 9 years, teenagers are 22.2%, 53.6% adults aged between 20 and 59 years and 3.1% are elderly. In the period from January to October 2007 there were a total of 43 newborns, of which 14.0% were born with low weight. From the 1,074 children under two years old, 95.6% were vaccinated. It was registered 290 pregnant women and of these 91.7% were followed-up. The 477 diabetes patients were registered and 75.0% of them were followed. It was registered 2338 hypertensive patients, of which 76.3% were followed. It was observed that the services provided by USF achieved the targets established by the Ministry of Health.

Author Biographies

Cintia Domingos Nascimento, UEFS
Graduanda em Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS; Bolsista de Iniciação Científica – FAPESB do Núcleo de Saúde Coletiva (NUSC) – UEFS. E-mail: cintiadn2000@yahoo.com.br
Ilva Santana Santos Fonseca, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS
Graduanda em Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS; Bolsista de Iniciação Científica – FAPESB do Núcleo de Epidemiológica (NEPI) – UEFS. E-mail: ilva_ss@hotmail.com
Samara Bruno Moura, UEFS
Graduanda em Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS; Bolsista de Iniciação Científica – FAPESB do Núcleo de Epidemiológica (NEPI) – UEFS. E-mail: samaydoo@yahoo.com.br
Thaize Carvalho Estrela, UEFS
Graduanda em Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS; Bolsista do HIPS. E-mail: thaize_estrela@hotmail.com
Maria Angela Nascimento, UEFS
Doutora em Enfermagem; Docente titular da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana – UEFS. E-mail: avlifonseca@ig.com.br
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