Representational structure of microcephaly and self-image from mothers of children with the neurological affliction

Keywords: Behavioral medicine, Microcephaly, Psychology, social, Self concept


This study aimed to analyze the representational structure of microcephaly, as well as the self-image that mothers of children with the illness possess. There were 105 Brazilian women, aged between 20 and 50 (M=31; SD=7.32), who live, mostly, in the south-eastern region of Brazil (39.0%). For data acquisition, in 2018, it was used the Free Word Association Technique. Prototypical analyses of the collected material demonstrated that the participants build their representations upon microcephaly based on scientific knowledge, also describing it using signs that refer to spirituality and love. When it comes to the participants’ self-image, it was possible to notice elements that support the feature resilience and other factors that are associated with self transcending characteristics. The identified representations reveal adaptive processes, based on the allocation of resilient resources that allow the participants from this study to give a different meaning of being a mother of a child with microcephaly.

Author Biographies

João Pedro Santos Cipriano, University Center - UNIESP
Undergraduate Student in Psychology at the University Center - UNIESP
Emerson Araújo Do Bú, Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon Faculty of Psychology - University of Lisbon
Social Psychology PhD Student at the Faculty of Psychology - University of Lisbon and a research assistant in the Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Master’s degree in Social Psychology obtained at the Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa (PB), Brazil
Maria Edna Silva de Alexandre, Federal University of Paraíba
Social Psychology PhD Student at the Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. Master’s degree in Social Psychology obtained at the Federal University of Paraíba. Social Psychology.
Maria da Penha Lima Coutinho, University Center UNIESP and Federal University of Paraíba
Postdoc degree in Psychology obtained at the University of Lisbon. PhD degree in Psychology obtained at Universidade de São Paulo - USP. Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Psychology at the University Center UNIESP and Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Psychology at the Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa (PB), Brasil.


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