Giant Cells Fibroma: Immunohistochemical Study of Extracellular Matrix and Comparative Analysis With Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia Using Hortega, Azan Trichrome, Congo Red and Weigert Van Gieson Methods


  • Flávia Rodrigues Curi Frascareli Cesumar
  • Juliana Fernandes Bianchi Cesumar
  • Lucieni Cristina Marques da Silva Pereira Cesumar
  • Tércio Leonel Monteiro Cesumar
  • Vanessa Cristina Veltrini Cesumar


Fibroma, Histoquímica, Lesões Bucais, Histochemistry, Oral Lesions.


The Giant Cells Fibroma is an oral lesion of unspecific clinical aspect, peculiar microscopic picture, obscure etiology and, possibly, underestimated frequency. Its extracellular matrix does not resemble those seen in other fibrous lesions, of traumatic nature, what makes its classification even more difficult. The aim of this study is to evaluate, through histochemical techniques, the extracellular matrix of 22 lesions selected at the Oral Pathology Laboratory of CESUMAR (University Center of Maringá, Paraná – Brazil), being 11 Giant Cells Fibromas and 11 Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasias. The methods that were used – HORTEGA, AZAN TRICHROME, CONGO RED and WEIGERT VAN GIESON – have the purpose of evidencing reticular fibers, collagenous fibers, amyloidal material and elastic fibers, respectively. The analysis of tissue slices demonstrated that presence and distribution of these components are the same in both lesions, but elastic fibers are more abundant in Giant Cells Fibroma (maybe because it lacks inflammatory mediators), corroborating for the hypothesis that the giant multinucleated fibroblasts, although different in their morphologic aspect, preserve the functional properties of mononuclear ones, seen in Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasias.


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Author Biographies

Flávia Rodrigues Curi Frascareli, Cesumar

Graduada em Odontologia no Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR; Ex-bolsista de Iniciação Científica pelo programa PROBIC-CESUMAR. E-mail:

Juliana Fernandes Bianchi, Cesumar

Graduada em Odontologia no Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR; Ex-bolsista de Iniciação Científica pelo programa PROBIC-CESUMAR. E-mail:

Lucieni Cristina Marques da Silva Pereira, Cesumar

Técnica do Laboratório de Patologia Bucal do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR. E-mail:

Tércio Leonel Monteiro, Cesumar

Técnico do Laboratório de Patologia Bucal do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR. E-mail:

Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, Cesumar

Docente Dra. do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário de Maringá-CESUMAR; Responsável pelo Laboratório de Patologia Bucal do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR. E-mail:



How to Cite

Frascareli, F. R. C., Bianchi, J. F., Pereira, L. C. M. da S., Monteiro, T. L., & Veltrini, V. C. (2009). Giant Cells Fibroma: Immunohistochemical Study of Extracellular Matrix and Comparative Analysis With Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia Using Hortega, Azan Trichrome, Congo Red and Weigert Van Gieson Methods. Saúde E Pesquisa, 2(1), 65–68. Retrieved from



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