Mobile phones usage in hospital settings and the risk of bacterial contamination
Bacteria, Biological contamination, Cell phone use, Cross infectionAbstract
This work aims to evaluate the characteristics of the cell phone by employees, students and health professionals and investigate the relationship with the number and type of microorganisms present on the phone. Sociodemographic data and information on cell phone use were collected, in addition to the microbiological assessment of the phones. The data were analyzed in SPSS, through descriptive statistics of the variables. Among the 50 study participants, 82% were female, 96% used their cell phones at work and 70% performed some type of asepsis. Regarding microbiological collection, there was bacterial growth in 68% of cell phones, whose most isolated bacterium was negative coagulase Staphylococcus (47%). In addition, there was a growth of more than 100.000 CFU/mL in the cell phones of residents (26.5%) and undergraduates (23.5%). It is concluded that the use of the cell phone during the working day is frequent, which may be related to the number of contaminated devices.Downloads
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