Sexually transmitted infections in the population living in the rural settlement project Nova Amazonia, Brazil

Keywords: Prevalence, Rural population, Sexually transmitted infection


The illness can reveals impacts and consequences of social, economic and cultural inequalities. To evaluate the seroprevalence of HIV infection, Hepatitis B and C and Syphilis and sexual behavior of residents of the Nova Amazônia Settlement Project (PANA). Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study, involving 246 residents of PANA, carried out between November 2019 and September 2020. A questionnaire was applied and rapid tests were performed for HIV 1 and 2, Syphilis and Hepatitis B and C. A prevalence of 4.1% for sexually transmitted diseases was observed, statistically associated with being male (p = 0.04), being over 40 years old (p = 0.003) and having been related with more than 10 sexual partners throughout life (p = 0.03). Due to the identification of risky sexual behaviors, such as very low adherence to condom use, it is necessary to perform an early diagnosis and monitor new cases.

Author Biographies

Isabela Vanessa Sampaio dos Reis , Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR
Student of the Undergraduate Course in Medicine. Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Boa Vista (RR), Brazil
Igor dos Santos Costa , Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR
Student of the Undergraduate Course in Medicine. Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Boa Vista (RR), Brazil
Gilskley de Oliveira Coelho, Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR
Student of the Undergraduate Course in Medicine. Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Boa Vista (RR), Brazil
Nelma Cavalcante da Costa, Coordenadoria Geral de Vigilância em Saúde
Social Worker at the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance, Nucleus of Control of STD/AIDS, Boa Vista (RR), Brazil.
Wagner do Carmo Costa, Assembleia Legislativa de Roraima
Researcher at the Roraima Legislative Assembly (ALERR). Boa Vista (RR), Brazil
Marcos José Salgado Vital, Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR
Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources. Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Boa Vista (RR), Brazil.
Bianca Jorge Sequeira Costa, Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR
Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences and the Postgraduate Program in Health and Biodiversity. Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Boa Vista (RR), Brazil


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