Peer Review Policy

The first stage of evaluation is the selection of articles according to editorial criteria. The Editorial Board is the body responsible for this stage.

The second stage is the opinion of external ad hoc consultants who are experts in the topics covered. The works will be sent for evaluation without identifying authorship to two or more reviewers.

The final decision to accept or reject the article after review reviews rests with the Editor-in-Chief. And, after acceptance of the manuscript, a graphic proof will be sent to the corresponding author's email. Authors must forward the graphic proof with the necessary corrections within, at most, 48 hours after receipt.

A Review Thank You is issued to reviewers upon successful review of the manuscript and a list of reviewers' names is published annually.

Revista Saúde e Pesquisa reinforces its dedication to academic excellence by strictly following the rule of involving evaluators external to the publishing institution in its peer review process, ensuring impartiality and quality in the evaluation of each submitted manuscript.


Ethical Guidelines for Scientific Journal Reviewers

Basic Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Peer review is a crucial step in the editorial process, aiming to guarantee the integrity of the academic record. Reviewers, essential in this process, often assume this role without specific guidance about their obligations. To minimize this problem, COPE establishes ethical guidelines for reviewers during the review process. These guidelines are applicable to journals in all areas of knowledge and serve as a reference for journals and their editors when searching for reviewers, in addition to assisting academic institutions in training students and researchers.


Expectations and Obligations of Reviewers

During the Invitation to Review:

  • Respond promptly to the invitation, especially if they are unable to accept.
  • Declare lack of sufficient knowledge or experience in the subject matter.
  • Accept review of a manuscript only if they can return it within the established deadline or agree on a new deadline with the journal, informing them of the need for its extension.
  • Declare any potential or actual conflicts of interest in relation to the journal or article.
  • Follow the journals' editorial policies regarding conflicts of interest.

During the Review Process:

  • Maintain confidentiality and do not reveal details of the manuscript.
  • Avoid using the information obtained for your own benefit or to harm others.
  • Be objective and constructive in your comments, avoiding personal criticism.
  • Recognize and avoid conflicts of interest not evident at the beginning of the review.
  • Review only aspects of the manuscript within your area of expertise.
  • Keep all review details confidential.
  • Notify the journal of any observed ethical irregularities and do not personally investigate unless requested by the journal.

When Preparing the Report:

  • Be clear, objective and constructive, providing feedback that helps authors improve their manuscript.
  • Avoid derogatory comments or unfounded accusations.
  • Be specific in criticism and provide evidence for your claims.
  • Suggest changes to improve the clarity of writing.
  • Do not suggest the inclusion of quotes from the reviewer or his associates for reasons that are not valid academic or technological.

Expectation After the Review Process

  • Continue to maintain the confidentiality of manuscript details and comments.
  • Respond promptly to contacts from the magazine on issues related to its opinion.
  • Be open to reviewing re-submitted manuscripts as requested by the journal.

These COPE guidelines aim to support reviewers in their important role of ensuring the integrity and quality of scientific content, maintaining objectivity, confidentiality and impartiality throughout the review process.


Source: Editorial, E. (2013). Ethical guidelines for reviewers of scientific journals: Basic guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics—COPE. Psicologia USP, 24(3), 363-368.


Assessment Guidelines

All reviewers receive clear and standardized guidelines to ensure consistency and rigor in the review process, as follows:


Dear reviewer, upon receiving the article, we ask that you carry out the following action:

1. Comments can be made directly in the body of the document in question;

2. The document to be evaluated has a doc extension, therefore it can be edited in Word;

3. We request you to make all pertinent considerations, always seeking to make the article more informative for the proposed area;

4. Only original works that contribute in some way to the knowledge of the scientific community should be accepted, always with the aim of capturing a greater number of original articles that could result in great interest in the scientific community and, consequently, in a greater impact;

5. During the evaluation process of articles submitted to Revista Saúde e Pesquisa it is necessary to consider the aspects listed below:


01- Is the topic covered relevant and is the work original?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

02- Is the title succinct? Does it clearly express the content of the work?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

03- Are the “Summary” and “Terms for indexing” informative”?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

04- Does the “Introduction” focus on the subject of the work?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

05- Are the objectives appropriate, given the theme of the article?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

06- Is there coherence between the objectives and the methodology?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

07- Is the methodology adequate, correct and complete?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

08- Are the statistical procedures for data analysis appropriate?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

09- Are the results presented clearly and is the discussion adequate?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

10- Is there a connection between the study of art (introduction) and the discussion of the problem?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

11- Are the illustrations (figures, maps, photos, charts and tables) appropriate? Are they complete?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

12- Are the table and figure captions self-explanatory?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

13- Are the interpretations and discussion of the results appropriate?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

14- Are the conclusions consistent with the objectives and justified by the data?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

15- Are the scientific literature cited all necessary, appropriate and up-to-date?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)

16- Does the article make any contribution to the knowledge of the scientific community?

(    ) Yes     (    ) No    (    ) Readjust (suggestions for readjustment should be mentioned in Comments, considerations and/or observations)


Assessment Opinion:

(    )  To accept

(    )  Required Revisions: the article must be reviewed and corrected by the author, following the recommendations suggested by the evaluator in order to improve the presentation and quality of the article.

(    )  Submit the article to another journal. Outside the scope of the magazine.

(    )  Reject: the article must NOT be accepted for publication. This is because it must be completely reformulated according to the justifications presented in the opinion. However, authors can correct the article and submit and start a new evaluation process.


Comments, considerations and/or observations.

  • Describe:

Justification in case of NON-RECOMMENDATION of the manuscript.

  • Describe:

Additionally, you may send files to the editor and/or author for consultation, including revised versions of the original file(s).


Evaluator Support

Revista Saúde e Pesquisa offers reviewers a Reviewer Support Tutorial, which details how to use the OJS Platform to review the articles received. This tutorial guides you on how to access the designated articles, carry out the review, fill out the evaluation form or prepare an opinion, and finally, how to send the complete evaluation to the journal editor (access the manual by clicking here).


Benefits for reviewers

At Revista Saúde e Pesquisa, we deeply value the contributions and dedication of our reviewers, who play a crucial role in the research training of our residents and authors.

By participating in the review process, reviewers have the opportunity to review current topics and study the most recent literature. This not only keeps reviewers up to date, but also enriches their own knowledge, making it essential for any researcher who wants to improve their projects.

We offer the following benefits:

  • Recognition on the magazine's website: We provide an annual thank you note to all reviewers who contributed.
  • Reviewer Declaration: A formal acknowledgment of your contribution is received via email after the review is identified by the Editor, which can be shared on social media. This is an excellent way to contribute to your professional reputation and increase your visibility in the scientific community.


Join us as an Ad Hoc evaluator at Revista Saúde e Pesquisa!

Take an active part in the evaluation process of scientific articles submitted for publication in our open access electronic journal and qualified evaluation by Capes with Qualis B1. Their expertise is essential to drive excellence in research and contribute to significant advances in healthcare.

If this is what you really want, you must be REGISTERED and fill in the details in the electronic form.

Access the electronic form here to register

One of the basic parameters for including an evaluator in the Revista Saúde e Pesquisa is their level of education. It is recommended that the researcher has a degree equal to or higher than a master's degree (or is studying for a master's degree). Graduated/graduated researchers with specialization in a certain area can submit themselves for inclusion, however, they will be analyzed by the editorial board in particular.

When requesting the inclusion of reviewers, if accepted within our scope, you commit to evaluating the submitted manuscripts within a maximum period of 4 weeks (1 month). Given the long-term scenario for evaluating many journals nationwide and our need to pay attention to our registered members and their submitted work, this aspect will be an indicator of the evaluator's permanence at Revista Saúde e Pesquisa.