Health-game: a serious game to inform about coronavirus and combat false information



Palabras clave:

Covid-19, Gamification, Quiz, Regionalism, Serious Game


The market for digital games in Brazil has been growing prominently in recent years. In this area, educational games have been highlighted, which demonstrate positive results for the practice of gamification in the learning process. This article presents a serious quiz game that aims to inform you about the COVID-19, highlighting the importance of sharing truthful information about the virus. Making use of a methodology for regionalization of information with emphasis on everyday situations, thus intending to combat false information in a practical, scalable and playful way. The results, obtained from the validation with 30 students who tested the game, served as supporting material for improvements in the game and point out that, even using relatively simple and already usual techniques in the serious game scenario, it is possible to innovate in this field and provide society with a tool connected to the moment and difficulties it faces.


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Biografía del autor/a

Leonardo Estevam, Universidade Federal do Pará

I aim to work in the area of ​​Informatics, to apply and improve my knowledge, always in favor of the employing institution, I am focused and committed to my work in addition to being curious and always looking for news that improve my professional profile. I have research interests in the fundamentals of game programming and its specificities as well as the creation of Mobile and Web applications in order to lead new educational practices, developing thoughts and computational reasoning through programming that are not taught in most public educational institutions. and private in Brazil.

Victor Ferreira, Institute of Technology – Federal University of Pará (UFPA) – Belém-PA, Brazil

It has elementary-first-grade education at Escola Lirio do Campo (2014). He is currently at the Federal Institute of Maranhão. He has experience in the field of Environmental Sciences.

Paulo Pontes, Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA) – Ananindeua-PA, Brazil

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA). Graduated in Data Processing Technology from the University Center of the State of Pará - CESUPA (2003). Specialist in Internet Application Development at the Federal University of Para - UFPA (2004). Master in Electrical Engineering in the area of ​​applied computing by UFPA (2013). PhD in Electrical Engineering in the area of ​​applied computing by UFPA (2018)

Fernando Costa, Institute of Technology – Federal University of Pará (UFPA) – Belém-PA, Brazil

Master's student of the Graduate Program in Sustainable Development of the Humid Tropic at the Center for Advanced Amazonian Studies at the Federal University of Pará (NAEA/UFPA). Specialist in School Management (Cruzeiro do Sul University). Specialist in Scientific Communication in the Amazon by the International Program for Training Specialists in the Development of Amazonian Areas (NAEA/UFPA). Degree in Geography from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA), 2017. Bachelor in Tourism from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), 2010. Has publications in the areas of Computing and Scientific Communication and research and works in the areas of Geography, Culture, Traditional Peoples and Communities of the Amazon, Social Cartography, Scientific Communication, facial expression recognition tools and violence against women. Currently, he develops research on violence in the metropolitan region of Belém from the perspective of Necropolitics.

Marcos Seruffo, Institute of Technology – Federal University of Pará (UFPA) – Belém-PA, Brazil

I have a degree in Data Processing Technology from the University Center of the State of Pará (CESUPA - 2004), Specialization in Computer Systems Technical Support from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA - 2005), Master's in Computer Science (PPGCC - UFPA - 2008 ) and PhD in Electrical Engineering, with emphasis on Applied Computing (PPGEE - UFPA - 2012). I did a Post Doctorate at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE - PUC-RJ - 2020). I am currently Associate Professor I at the Federal University of Pará, being linked to the Postgraduate Program in Anthropic Studies in the Amazon (PPGEAA-Castanhal) and the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE-ITEC). Regarding administrative positions, I was Director of the Faculty of Computing (2013-2015) of Campus Castanhal and Director of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications of the Institute of Technology (2017-2019). I was Vice-Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Anthropogenic Studies in the Amazon (2017-2019). I am an Innovation enthusiast, working as a Researcher at the Operational Research Laboratory (LPO-UFPA). I am a project evaluator in several national funding agencies. I develop teaching, extension and research activities, the latter through national and international projects in interdisciplinary areas, among these: Social Technologies, User Experience, Data Mining, Computer Networks, Informatics in Education, Social Network Analysis, Anthropic Studies , and Natural Language Processing. I currently coordinate projects promoted by CNPq and Capes, in addition to participating in projects with funding from other sources. I am a Productivity Scholar in Technological Development and Innovative Extension - DT - Level 2 of CNPq.


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Cómo citar

Estevam, L., Ferreira, V., Pontes, P., Costa, F., & Seruffo, M. (2023). Health-game: a serious game to inform about coronavirus and combat false information. Saúde E Pesquisa, 16(1), 1–9.



Artigos Originais