Consumer perception in the State of São Paulo about beef produced in the Amazon
Amazon region, Consumers, Consumption of meat, PreferencesAbstract
The beef chain is one of the most relevant in Brazil's agribusiness. This relevance ranges from its economic importance to the role it plays in the culture and diet of Brazilians. The last few years have seen an expansion of cattle ranching in the Amazon region, raising an intense debate between cattle raisers, slaughterhouses, environmentalists, government officials, among others. Aspects related to the sustainability of this production are at the center of these controversies. However, in some ways, this debate has neglected the role of the consumer. Aiming to contribute to this discussion, this article investigated the perception of the São Paulo consumer about beef produced in the Amazônia. Thus, the article aimed, through a survey of 632 consumers from São Paulo, to understand how this production is perceived. Among the attributes of the product that were considered of greatest importance at the time of purchase, the appearance, expiration date and fat content of the meat stood out. On the other hand, the place of origin, animal welfare and sustainable production seals showed reduced importance as a determining factor for purchase for the interviewees. Through a structural equation model, it was verified that concerns with socio-environmental problems and animal welfare confer a negative perception on meat production in the Amazon region. Thus, it seems clear that the competitive strategies of agents in the Amazonia meat production chain must consider these negative aspects of consumer perception in their policies to value the product in national and international markets.References
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