Efficiency of toxics baits for the control of Blattella Germanica (LINNAEUS, 1767) (BLATTODEA)

Keywords: Attractiveness, Bioassay, Feeding stimulation, German cockroach, Mortality


Blattella germanica is considered to be a pest insect that is difficult to control and which tends to be controlled by the use of chemical products. As such, the indiscriminate use of insecticides can result in cockroach resistance and environmental contamination. Aiming to promote a more conscientious and effective control method, formulations of toxic gel baits were developed. These baits result in less environmental contamination and can be applied in areas where the use of conventional insecticides is not possible. This study aimed to evaluate which toxic bait presented the most efficient control of B. germanica, taking into consideration characteristics such as attractiveness, feeding stimulation and mortality rate. For the bioassay, four compositions of toxic gel baits were used in a test arena, where, in the presence of the baits, (1) the time until consumption, (2) the bait consumed, (3) the time taken for feeding stimulation and (4) the time until death were evaluated. Toxic baits were compared using paired T-tests. We verified that the Fipronil toxic bait did not present attractiveness nor consumption and the Indoxacarb toxic bait presented the greatest attractiveness. There was no statistical difference between the baits when evaluating feeding stimulation and mortality, indicating, in this case, that both baits acted in a similar manner. The Imidacloprid and Indoxacarb toxic baits were recommended for the control of B. germanica, as they caused mortalities during a period of less than 24h. However, Indoxacarb presented a greater rate of attractiveness when compared to the Imidacloprid gel baits.

Author Biographies

Sara de Souza Gomes, Astral Saúde Ambiental
Especialista em Controle de Pragas, Bióloga consultora da Astral Saúde Ambiental, Camaçari (BA), Brasil.
Marcos Vinícius Almeida Lopes, Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal - ECOA/UCSal
Mestre em Ecologia e Evolução, Pesquisador do Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal (UCSal), Salvador (BA), Brasil.
Marcelo Cesar Lima Peres, Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal - ECOA/UCSal
Doutor em Ecologia, Docente da Universidade Católica do Salvador e Pesquisador do Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal (UCSal), Salvador (BA), Brasil.
Tércio da Silva Melo, Astral Saúde Ambiental
Doutor em Ecologia, Biólogo consultor da Astral Saúde Ambiental, Camaçari (BA), Brasil
Kátia Benati, Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal - ECOA/UCSal
Doutora em Ecologia, Docente da Universidade Católica do Salvador e Pesquisadora do Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal (UCSal), Salvador (BA), Brasil.
Alessandra Rodrigues Santos de Andrade, Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal - ECOA/UCSal
Doutora em Ecologia, Pesquisadora do Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal (UCSal), Salvador (BA), Brasil.


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