Comestible fungi and native microbiota in the control of gall-forming nematodes
Biological nematicide, Fungiculture, Lentinula edodesAbstract
In agroecology, filamentous fungi are an alternative in the production of organic compounds and in pathogen control. However, few studies are extant on the interaction between comestible fungi and soil´s native microbiota for the control of phytonematodes. Current study evaluates the nematode and/or nematostatic activity of the filtrate in Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) culture on stage J2 of the gall-forming nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in vitro, and analyzes control of the nematode and growth of lettuce cv. ‘Saia Véia’ by fungus inoculant associated with native microbiota in an agricultural hothouse. Filtrates LED AJU1 and LED CHI showed nematostatic activity, whereas filtrates LED AJU3 and LED CHI had a nematicide activity. Substrate colonized by LED REC1 revealed nematicide activity against M. incognita. Colonization by arbuscular mycorrhized fungi and by endophytic dark septate fungi affects the growth of lettuce cv. ‘Saia Véia’ cultivated with inoculants of mushroom Shiitake, but fails to interfere with a decrease in gall number.References
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