Socioeconomic profile and consumption of organic products in an Agroecological Fair in Belém, Brazil
Agroecology, Organic consumption, Organic production, Socio-economyAbstract
Agroecological fairs are the main routes for the distribution of organic food whose consumers are concerned with feeding habits and environmental impacts. Current analysis characterizes and analyzes the socioeconomic profile and purchasing and consumption aspects of consumers in an organic fair in Belem PA Brazil. The agricultural fair occurs twice a week in Praça Brasil and there were 150 people at the time of data collection. Size of sample (n = 76 consumers), at 8% sample error, was calculated. Structured forms with questions were randomly applied and data were tabulated by Excel and analyzed by descriptive statistics and ?2-square test. Results showed a heterogenic profile with a predominance of intermediately aged people, high schooling and great monthly income. Most consumers were always present at the fair and only recently became adepts of organic food. Main difficulties for the acquisition and consumption of organic food comprised issues related to access to fairs, variety of products and prices; indirectly, the lack of propaganda. Strategies by the administration and by the sellers are needed to aggregate diversified consumers, especially those with lower incomes.References
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