Corn harvest residues for co-generation assessment: availability at Mato Grosso do Sul State, and energy characteristics

  • Robson Leal da Silva Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM / Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD
  • Jéssica Beatriz Olivi Engenheira de Energia (Profissional Liberal)
  • Aletéia Marcelle Primão da Silva Administradora de Empresas e Negócios (Profissional Liberal)


After harvest, usually a significant amount of crop residues are available and part of it can be a feedstock for biomass energy. This paper´s objective is to quantify sustainable residual biomass from corn harvesting, husk leaf, and cob, and its solid-fuel characterization for energy co-generation assessment. The methodology considers geographical distributions of corn production on a municipal basis, at Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) State in Brazil. Residual biomass from corn harvest has its mass fractions and energy characteristics determined via proximate and ultimate analyzes, bulk density, and heating values. Also, assessment of energy and power obtained by using co-generation power plants technology. The conclusions identify that residual biomass from corn harvest (husk leaf and cob) have large amounts available for energy use (~190.106 kg), and a main one geographic micro-region at MS. Its characteristics as solid fuel, i.e., HHV~18 and TMC,db <10%, as well as high availability for oxygen for combustion (TO ~43%) and low ash content (TAsh < 4%) corroborate with its energy use, as in co-firing with sugarcane bagasse or coal thermal power plants. Bulk density values suggest densification as an interesting option for the commercialization of pellets or briquettes. Assessment of energy and power has a significant contribution to the Dourados micro-region (~2 GWElectric) and could attend farm and other rural energy demands through co-generation power plants. Altogether, husk leaf and cob are adding-values co-products that can play a significant role in the corn productive chain.

Biografía del autor/a

Robson Leal da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM / Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD
Dr. in Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor at Grande Dourados Federal University (UFGD), Dourados (MS), Brasil; Advisor at Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (PEM) at Maringa State University (UEM), Maringá (PR), Brazil.
Jéssica Beatriz Olivi, Engenheira de Energia (Profissional Liberal)
Energy Engineer - Independent Professional. Dourados (MS), Brazil.
Aletéia Marcelle Primão da Silva, Administradora de Empresas e Negócios (Profissional Liberal)
MsC. in Agroindustrial Production and Management, Bachelor in Business Administration - Independent Professional. Dourados (MS), Brazil.


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