Intensification of Technical Renvois in Penal Law: Political and Criminal Motives

  • Fábio André Guaragni Centro Universitário de Curitiba - Unicuritiba
Keywords: Penal law, Environmental penal law, Economic penal law, Administration of penal law, Open penal norm


Current research analyzes the political and criminal aspects of the administration of penal law that foreground an intensification of legislative techniques, especially within the field of economical and environmental penal norms. They somewhat need the penal renvois to several norms with special attention to the blank and open penal norm, or rather, normative items and re-sending to concrete administrative acts.

Author Biography

Fábio André Guaragni, Centro Universitário de Curitiba - Unicuritiba
Promotor de Justiça no Estado do Paraná. Doutor e Mestre em Direito das Relações Sociais pela UFPR; Docente do Programa de Mestrado, Pós Graduação lato sensu e graduação do UNICURITIBA; Coordenador da Fundação Escola do Ministério Público do Paraná; Docente da Escola da Magistratura do Paraná, Rede LFG e CEJUR; E-mail: