Juridical Valorization and the Understanding of Norms by the Individual
Technological Progress, The Comprehension of Rights, Justice, Individual Relationships, Social ValuesAbstract
Current article presents a challenging suggestion for the solution of conflicts that involve several values by members inserted in society. The choice was influenced by the study of texts related to the General Theory of Rights and on themes that deal with technological evolution of individuals. It also interprets juridical values based on Cárcova´s book since the pluralism of social relationships is infinite and requires differentiated attention. Cultural shocks within the same collectivity are also dealt with. The acknowledgement of the relevance of social relationships among individuals is basic for the establishment of a dosimetry in regulation for value struggles within society.Downloads
How to Cite
Mendes, C. R. O., & Silva, M. N. A. da. (2013). Juridical Valorization and the Understanding of Norms by the Individual. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 13(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unicesumar.edu.br/index.php/revjuridica/article/view/2374
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