Affirmative Actions For Negroes In Higher Education Through The Quotas Policy


  • Ronaldo Adriano dos Santos Instituição Toledo de Ensinoc- ITE


Equality, Higher Education, Negroes, Quotas


Current paper discusses the important current upgrading of Negroes, including the acknowledgement by the Supreme Federal Court on Negro quotas in higher education. It is actually an important tool that implements a policy against inequalities in Brazil. For centuries Negros were enslaved and Brazil was one of the last countries on earth to abolish slavery. However, the schooling level and the lack of professional qualifications are factors that place the Negro on the lowest social ranks in the country. Low educational level is one of the many factors that pervade the theme of equality. Affirmative actions, such as the quota case, are mechanisms to upgrade human beings who were enslaved in years gone by. Quotas exist so that racial disparities could be abolished especially in higher education and in the covert and implicit racism in Brazilian society. It is really an instrument for equality and opportunities, minimizing racial heterogeneity within the social segments.

Author Biography

Ronaldo Adriano dos Santos, Instituição Toledo de Ensinoc- ITE

Mestre em Direito pela Instituição Toledo de Ensino de Bauru/SP, Pós Graduado em Direito Civil e Processo Civil pela Escola Paulista de Direito de São Paulo/SP, Graduado pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu São Paulo/SP, Docente da Faculdade Jauense na cidade de Jaú/SP, Advogado.



How to Cite

Santos, R. A. dos. (2014). Affirmative Actions For Negroes In Higher Education Through The Quotas Policy. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 14(1). Retrieved from



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