Some controversial aspects of foods in the doctrine and in the civil code law n. 10.406/2002


  • Kellen Cristina Gomes Ballen CESUMAR


alimentos, noções gerais, características, finalidade, classificação


There are important questions to be raised in relation to foods that the judiciary and the indoctrinators must give better contours and review concepts, since the law in effect does not. These delimitations are necessary under the risk of generating injustices in the application of provisions in the form that they are found. Therefore, this present work deals with the systematic adopted by the Civil Code presently in force in respect to foods. Thus, tribunals, indoctrinators and law enforcers, in general, must give life to the not always fair letter of the law, transforming the cold law into a fair solution of the conflict, especially in this area, in which the conflict exists due to the lack of family affection.

Author Biography

Kellen Cristina Gomes Ballen, CESUMAR

Professora de Prática Forense I do CESUMAR Centro Universitário de Maringá, Professora de Direito Civil da Escola de Magistratura de Maringá –Paraná e da Escola Superior do Ministério Público de Maringá – Paraná, Advogada.



How to Cite

Ballen, K. C. G. (2007). Some controversial aspects of foods in the doctrine and in the civil code law n. 10.406/2002. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 5(1), 289–302. Retrieved from


