Aspects of the matrimonial dissolution in the canonic law and in brazilian common law


  • Simone Cristina de Oliveira CESUMAR


família, casamento, direito canônico, direito civil, desquite


The present article undertakes a theoretical analysis aiming at measuring the importance that the canonic law has exerted on the history of Brazilian family formation, and the limits that it imposed onto the customs and law in terms of the dissolution of the matrimonial society, in reference to the nonbiding divorce. In addition to that, it also attempts to demonstrate the evolution of the separation in the pre-coded Brazilian civil law and in the civil codifications of 1916 (Clovis Bevilácqua project) and 2002 (coordinated by Prof Miguel Reale), in other words, the new Civil Code.

Author Biography

Simone Cristina de Oliveira, CESUMAR

Especialista em Direito Civil e Processual Civil pelo Cesumar – Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa em Direito da Instituição vinculado ao CNPq.



How to Cite

Oliveira, S. C. de. (2007). Aspects of the matrimonial dissolution in the canonic law and in brazilian common law. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 5(1), 359–381. Retrieved from


