The Enemy´s Penal Law and the Legitimacy of Hate Discourse in the Social Media

  • André Faustino Faculdade Autônoma de Direito (FADISP)
Keywords: Enemy´s penal law, Hate discourse, Social media, Society of information


Current paper analyzes the theory of the enemy´s penal law and the legitimacy of the hate discourse in social media as a possibility of relationship between the selection of an enemy within the social media and his attack with no consequences and with the support of people of the same social media. The concept of hate discourse, the emergence of haters and the manner the principle base of the theory of the enemy´s penal law supports thought, within common sense, of the possible aggression against the enemy within the social media. A bibliographical survey coupled to deduction was employed to establish a relationship between theory that bases the existence of an enemy within the penal law application system and the possibility of justification or legitimation of the hate discourse towards an enemy within the social media. Results show that there is a relationship between the theory of the enemy´s penal law and the legitimacy of hate discourse within the social media since the basis of the theory is the same that justifies the occurrence of attacks to enemies on the Internet.

Author Biography

André Faustino, Faculdade Autônoma de Direito (FADISP)
Doutorando em Direito pelo Programa em Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu na Faculdade Autônoma de Direito (FADISP). Mestre em Direito na Sociedade da Informação pela FMU - Centro Universitário. Brasil.


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