Issues and Law Cases of Doctrinal Disregard of Legal Personality in the Duration of the New Civil Code


  • Eliana Aló da Silveira Ruben José da Silva Andrade Viegas Eliana Aló da Silveira Advogados Associados


Personalidade Jurídica, Pessoa Jurídica, Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica, Legal Personality, Legal Person, Disregard of the Legal Person, Personalidad jurídica, Persona jurídica, Desconsideración de la personalidad jurídica.


Following the sources of available research to perform a very objective scientific work, consistent and impartial, it is essential to travel a path that begins in doctrinal concepts, to develop the current design of the legal personality lack. The legal basis, comprised of set lawyers, provides the necessary elements for the understanding of the propositions that guide the legal personality, especially controversial issues, involved in its disregard. The case, focusing on the State of Sao Paulo Court, provides considerable contribution to the objectivity, elucidation assumptions and proposals on the presented subject, coming to contribute, thereby to the innovation of the current Civil Code.

Author Biography

Eliana Aló da Silveira, Ruben José da Silva Andrade Viegas Eliana Aló da Silveira Advogados Associados

Mestre em Direito Internacional pela Universidade Católica de Santos – UCS; Advogada, com atuação preponderante desde 1994, junto a transportadores internacionais de carga; Sócia e Administradora da sociedade de advogados Ruben José da Silva Andrade Viegas Eliana Aló da Silveira Advogados Associados, localizada na cidade de Santos, Estado de São Paulo. E-mail:



How to Cite

Silveira, E. A. da. (2008). Issues and Law Cases of Doctrinal Disregard of Legal Personality in the Duration of the New Civil Code. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 8(2), 361–367. Retrieved from


