Sheehan’s syndrome: case report

Síndrome de sheehan’s: relato de caso

Keywords: hypopituitarism, pituitary insufficiency, postpartum hemorrhage


Sheehan’s Syndrome (SS) results from severe postpartum hemorrhage, causing pituitary necrosis and hormone deficiencies. While usually chronic, acute SS is rare and requires immediate management. Symptoms like hypotension, tachycardia, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia suggest acute SS. A case involved a 32-year-old woman with severe hypotension and tachycardia postpartum, diagnosed with SS based on MRI findings. Acute SS stems from anterior pituitary infarction due to reduced blood flow, often following childbirth. Risk factors include multiparity and induced labor. Diagnosis relies on history, symptoms, and imaging. Acute cases may lead to circulatory collapse. Treatment involves hormone replacement therapy, with levothyroxine for thyroid dysfunction and estrogen-progesterone for gonadotropin deficiency. GH replacement is debated. Early diagnosis and therapy are vital to improve outcomes. This case underscores the importance of initiating levothyroxine and outpatient monitoring for SS. Increasing awareness is crucial for timely intervention, enhancing patients' quality of life and reducing morbidity and mortality.


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