Instrument for assessing risk of suicidal behavior in primary care: scoping review

Instrumentos para avaliação de risco de comportamento suicida na atenção básica: uma revisão de escopo




Suicidal behavior, Primary health care, Risk assessment, Instruments, Psychometric scales


Carry out a scoping review in order to identify and analyze risk assessment instruments for suicidal behavior in primary care, adopting the guidelines of Arksey and O'Malley and the PRISMA-ScR checklist. The search took place in the PUBMED, Scielo, MEDLINE and Web of Science databases, with inclusion criteria in the last five years. 3,339 articles were selected in the main search and were refined into 10 final studies. Tools such as ASQ, C-SSRS and CASSY were identified, but critical analysis revealed divergences in their effectiveness, highlighting limitations and strengths. The results provide a comprehensive overview of the effectiveness and limitations of suicide risk screening tools in primary care, highlighting the need for judicious choice and adaptation of tools to ensure effective screening. The heterogeneity of results highlights critical areas for future research and continued improvement of clinical practices.


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Author Biographies

Giovanna Vallim Jorgetto, University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista

PhD in Health Sciences, Professor at the University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista - UNIFAE, São Paulo (SP)

Ana Vergínia Mangussi da Costa Fabiano, University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista

Training for Teaching (1992). Degree in Psychology from the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Associadas de Ensino - FAE (2004). Specialization in "Interpersonal Relations at School and the Construction of Moral Autonomy" from the University of Franca - UNIFRAN (2006). Specialization in "Neuropsychology Applied to Child Neurology" from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2011). Master's degree in Education, Environment and Society from the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Associadas de Ensino - FAE (2014). PhD in School Psychology and Human Development from the Psychology Institute of the University of São Paulo - IP-USP (2023). She is a Neuropsychologist qualified by the Federal Council of Psychology, with the title of Specialist (2014). She holds the title of Hospital Psychologist from the Federal Council of Psychology (2018). She is currently a Clinical Psychologist at São Camilo Clinic. Professor of the Psychology, Dentistry and Medicine Course at the University Center of the Associated Colleges of Education - UNIFAE. Internship Supervisor in Hospital Psychology at Santa Casa de Misericórdia Carolina Malheiros de São João da Boa Vista - UNIFAE. She is a member of the Study Group on Psychology of Moral Development-GPDM-at IP-USP. She has experience in the areas of Education, Neuropsychology, Moral Psychology, Hospital Psychology, Health Psychology and Psycho-oncology.

Betânia Alves Veiga Dell' Agli, University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista

Degree in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1996), master's degree (2002) and doctorate (2008) in Education from the Faculty of Education at Unicamp. Post-doctorate (2013) from the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp. She is technical-specialized coordinator (2007) of the Center for Attention to Learning and Child Behavior Casulo, Collaborating Professor (2017) of the Postgraduate Program in School Psychology and Human Development at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo and professor ( 2002) from the University Center of Fae Associated Faculties of Education. She has experience in developmental neuropsychology and its interfaces with education and health, working mainly on the following topics: specific learning disorders, behavioral problems, affectivity and moral emotions, rule play, early childhood and prevention.

Victor Doi Moura Melo, University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista

Psychologist. University Center of Associated Teaching Faculties - UNIFAE

Verônica Estrela da Silva , University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista

Psychologist. University Center of Associated Teaching Faculties - UNIFAE

Ana Carolina Vitor e Andrade, University Center of the Associated Teaching Faculties of São João da Boa Vista

Psychologist. University Center of Associated Teaching Faculties - UNIFAE


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How to Cite

Jorgetto, G. V., Mangussi da Costa Fabiano, A. V. ., Dell' Agli, B. A. V. ., Melo, V. D. M. ., Silva , V. E. da ., & Andrade, A. C. V. e . (2024). Instrument for assessing risk of suicidal behavior in primary care: scoping review: Instrumentos para avaliação de risco de comportamento suicida na atenção básica: uma revisão de escopo. Saúde E Pesquisa, 17(4), e12784.



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