Professional Performance of Nutrition Graduates from a Tertiary Education Institution in Paraná - Brazil


  • Gislaine Mara Neiro Panice Cesumar
  • Gersislei Antônia Salado Cesumar


Nutricionistas egressos, Atuação profissional, Pós-graduação, Perfil profissional, Nutritionists Egresses, Professional Performance, Pos-Graduation, Professional Profile.


The study it objectified to evaluate the professional performance of the nutritionists egresses of the CESUMAR - University Center of Maringá that forms professionals with generalists profiles, formed in the period of 2004 the 2006. The data had been collected through a structuralized questionnaire. The analysis was quali-quantitative transversal line, where if it identified to the area and city of performance and the percentage of after-graduation. They had participated 48,4 % of the egresses formed in the period, after analysis verified that 47,93% act in Clinical Nutrition, 31,4% in Units of Feeding and Nutrition, 9,09% in Sportive Nutrition, 26% in Public Health, 6,61% in Teaching Activities, 5,79% in marketing, 2,48% in Industrial of Foods and 11,57% in other areas, the city of bigger performance were Maringá (51,2%). The courses of graduation in nutrition need to know the performance of its egresses and its level of satisfaction, why this becomes a tool important to guide action in favor of improvements of the courses.


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Author Biographies

Gislaine Mara Neiro Panice, Cesumar

Discente do Curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. Correspondência R: Dr Saulo Porto Virmond nº 1004, Residencial Castel Vecchio CEP 87005 090.

Gersislei Antônia Salado, Cesumar

Doutora em Ciência da Nutrição pela UNICAMP. Docente do Curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.



How to Cite

Panice, G. M. N., & Salado, G. A. (2008). Professional Performance of Nutrition Graduates from a Tertiary Education Institution in Paraná - Brazil. Saúde E Pesquisa, 1(1), 45–50. Retrieved from



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