Relation Between Dental Fluorosis and the Early use of Fluoride Toothpastes


  • Maria Gisette Arias Provenzano Cesumar
  • Francielli T. Pasquim Cesumar
  • Daniela Rios Cesumar
  • Marina de Lourdes Calvo Fracasso Cesumar


Fluorose dentária, Dentifrícios fluoretados, Epidemiologia, Dental fluorosis, Fluoride toothpastes, Epidemiology.


The objective of this study is to relate the presence of dental fluorosis with the early use of fluoride toothpaste. Initially, the mothers of 194 children (7-12 years), from the Children’s Clinic at Cesumar, Maringá, State of Paraná, answered an objective questionnaire to retrieve the history of fluoride toothpastes use in their children. After that, the clinical examination of the children’s permanent front teeth was carried out. The teeth were dried with a jet of air and artificial lights, and the Dean index was used. The prevalence of dental fluorosis among the children examined was 25,3%, with greater prevalence of children with a very light level (77,7%). Among the children studied, 86,6% started using toothpaste before three years of age; however, 64,4% did not present fluorosis. Therefore, Spearman’s test did not register a significant correlation (p<0,05) between dental fluorosis and the use of toothpaste at this age. Brushing by the children themselves before three years (14,4%) did not present any correlation (p<0,05) with the presence of dental fluorosis either. Concerning the amount of toothpaste put on the toothbrush, in the total sampling, 33% did it longitudinally; 42,8% across; and 16,5% the amount correspondent to a pea-sized blob. It was not found a dependant association (p, 0,05) between dental fluorosis and the habit of placing the toothpaste on the toothbrush without the supervision of parents. Considering the results of this study the early use of fluoride toothpaste, when assessed as an isolated variable, did not determine the occurrence of dental fluorosis in the population studied.


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Author Biographies

Maria Gisette Arias Provenzano, Cesumar

Mestre em Odontopediatria pela FOB-USP; Docente Assistente da Disciplina de Odontopediatria na Clínica Infantil e Clínica do Bebê do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. Endereço: R. Prudente de Moraes, 100 centro Ibiporã PR 86200-000.

Francielli T. Pasquim, Cesumar

Cirurgiã-dentista formada pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá – Cesumar

Daniela Rios, Cesumar

Doutora em Odontopediatria pela FOB-USP; Docente Assistente da Disciplina de Odontope-diatria na Clínica Infantil e Clínica do Bebê do Centro Universitário de Maringá–CESUMAR.

Marina de Lourdes Calvo Fracasso, Cesumar

Doutoranda em Odontopediatria pela FOB-USP; Docente Assistente da Disciplina de Odontopediatria na Clínica Infantil e Clínica do Bebê do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.



How to Cite

Provenzano, M. G. A., Pasquim, F. T., Rios, D., & Fracasso, M. de L. C. (2008). Relation Between Dental Fluorosis and the Early use of Fluoride Toothpastes. Saúde E Pesquisa, 1(1), 65–71. Retrieved from



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