Food Consumption of Pregnant Teenagers Registered in the Basic Health Unit of Mandaguaçu-PR
Food, Pregnancy, Teenagers.Abstract
Adolescence and pregnancy stages are marked by complex changes, requiring increased nutritional demand. A balanced diet and healthy at that time is important, therefore, this study aimed to examine the food intake of pregnant women at the teenager stage and to compare it against the food quantitative surveys with qualitative data. The research involved six pregnant teenagers using the Basic Health Unit in the municipality of Mandaguaçu (PR). The sample was characterized as low-income (C and D classes) and age between 17,4±1 years (range between 16,5 and 19 years). According to food consumption, only the protein was found to be appropriate, the other found nutrients examined was below the recommended amount and the sodium was the only nutrient that showed values above the recommended. There was also that most young people use vegetable oil to prepare food, no salt added in food already prepared, consumed fruit or vegetables at least a portion a day, and frying at least three times a week. All reported use of sugar and highlighted the importance of changing the diet during pregnancy, but not all this change started. Fruit and vegetables were the foods most often mentioned to be consumed during pregnancy. It follows therefore that the participation of the nutritionist is essential, especially in teenagers nutrition education during pregnancy, where there are erroneous eating habits and increased demand for nutrients.Downloads
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How to Cite
Montovaneli, L., & Auler, F. (2009). Food Consumption of Pregnant Teenagers Registered in the Basic Health Unit of Mandaguaçu-PR. Saúde E Pesquisa, 2(3). Retrieved from
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