Questionnaire on teachers’ physical self-perception during school activities (P&Hscreen): development, validation, and reliability
DOI: clave:
Self-perception, Posture, TeachersResumen
To construct and validate a questionnaire for assessing teachers’ self-perception of their posture, and their perception of students’ posture habits in different situations in the school environment. 7-step were performed for the construction of the questionnaire. The content validation strategy was judged by a panel of experts and the Validity Index (VI). Test-retest reliability was performed with teachers and measured by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Kappa Coefficient (KC). Eleven experts with a doctorate, experience in education, and the field of posture participated in content validation and 40 teachers participated in test-retest reliability. VI measurements were all above 0.81, and the overall mean of ICC and KC were 0.94 and 0.91, respectively. This questionnaire was considered valid, reliable, and feasible with language understandable to teachers. It can be recommended for research in schools, and posture education programs, contributing to the prevention of inadequate posture habits and their consequences.Descargas
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