Carbon stock in Eucalyptus wood: genetic material x spacing between trees
Carbon fixing, Forest biomass, Spacing. Eucalyptus clonesAbstract
The quantification of carbon stock in vegetal biomass is an important tool for carbon projects and mitigation methods to climatic changes at world level. Current research quantifies carbon stock in four genetic material of Eucalyptus submitted to different plant spacing. Four genetic material of Eucalyptus were selected, three from the hybrid E. grandis x E. urophylla and one from E. saligna, planted at three spacings, sampling three trees per treatment. Discs from tree base were dried and ground. Carbon rates by dry combustion were determined and carbon stocks in the wood per hectare were estimated. Data were analyzed by the analysis of factorial mean comparison (genetic material X spacing). Volumes of wood per tree, for each treatment, varied between spacings. Genetic materials generated different volumes in greater spacings. Carbon rates varied between 44.87% and 44.99%. Dry biomass increased inversely to spacing due to the great number of individuals per hectare in lesser spacings. Choice of clone for planting affects the amount of carbon stocked in the system. Clones of Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis had a greater biomass production than E. saligna, with a greater stock of carbon in the wood. Consequently, biomass production and carbon stock in forest plants of Eucalyptus may be managed through spacings.References
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