Evolution of rice imports in Brazil and their effects on the state of Mato Grosso do Sul
Foreign commerce, Logistics, Network analysis, Rice cropAbstract
The rice production chain has changed a lot in Brazil throughout the years. Changes have brought multiple consequences to Brazilian producers because of an increase of rice imports. Current analysis verifies rice imports between 1997 and 2018 and their effects on the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Descriptive statistical analyses were undertaken with secondary data on Brazil and Mato Grosso do Sul imports. Data were retrieved from COMEX STAT site, the Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs (SECINT)´s system of the Ministry of Economy. Data show that rice imports to Brazil occurred immediately after international market opening in 1990, at the start of the Plano Real in 1994 and the establishment of Mercosur in 1995. National rice producers were greatly jeopardized since production costs of Brazilian rice became higher when compared to that in neighboring countries and Mercosur members. Data also show that the state of Mato Grosso do Sul is not an important agent in the rice import chain.References
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