Non-Applicability of Chance and Greater Force in Cases of Oil Spread By Ships, as a Respect for the Dignity of the Human Person
Dignity of the Human Person, Fundamental Rights, Responsibility Excluding, Non-Applicability, Environment, Civil Responsibility.Abstract
Current analysis discusses the theme of objective civil responsibility on the environment, with special emphasis of the non-applicability of responsibility exclusion, with special attention to chance and greater force in oil spreading cases by ships as a basic fundamental right of the human person, basic to the Brazilian democratic state. The paper shows the basis by which one does not understand the excluding allegation and the consequences that would exist, especially in the denial of the principle of the dignity of the human person and fundamental right of the ecologically balanced environment.Downloads
How to Cite
Dias, J. F. de A., & Dias, R. G. (2013). Non-Applicability of Chance and Greater Force in Cases of Oil Spread By Ships, as a Respect for the Dignity of the Human Person. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 13(2). Retrieved from
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