Euthanasia from the Point of View of Bioethics and the Principle of the Person´s Dignity


  • Juliana Rui Fernandes dos Reis Goncalves Famma e FCV


Autonomy, Bioethics, Differences, Good Death, Human Dignity


Euthanasia occurs when a person voluntary causes the death of a very sick person. It should not be confused with other seemingly similar concepts such as disthanasia with the artificial extension of life by machines or by other forms for its maintenance, or orthothanasia which defends death as a natural demise when no other treatments are available and thus makes one´s last moments lived with the best quality possible. Euthanasia has been analyzed from different points of view throughout human history. Its acceptability or refusal depends on society´s values.Although many studies exist on the theme, discussions are always required due to the arising controversies especially within the constitutional principle of the dignity of the human person. The latter is employed either to justify euthanasia or to base its impairment.

Author Biography

Juliana Rui Fernandes dos Reis Goncalves, Famma e FCV

Advogada; Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM e Pós-graduada em Bioética pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL; Docente de graduação e pós-graduação em Direito da Faculdade Metropolitana de Maringá - FAMMA e da Faculdade Cidade Verde - FCV.



How to Cite

Goncalves, J. R. F. dos R. (2014). Euthanasia from the Point of View of Bioethics and the Principle of the Person´s Dignity. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 14(2). Retrieved from



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