Obstacles to the Application of the Principle of Insignificance in Inquiries and in the Disciplinary Administrative Process
Application, Disciplinary Administrative Process, Inquiry, Principle of InsignificanceAbstract
Current article presents an account of the origin and evolution of the sanctions so that administrative sanctions could be underlined. Further, it discusses the closeness of the sanctioning characteristics of penal law with administrative disciplinary disciplinary law through the penal systematization with regard to the triple concept of crime (typical, anti-juridical and culpable fact). The principle of insignificance is then investigated comprising its origin, its definition by penal law and its aims and extension. The complexity in applying the principle of insignificance in inquiries and in disciplinary administrative processes is provided due to the many obstacles extant.Downloads
How to Cite
de Campos, P. T., & Muniz, T. L. (2014). Obstacles to the Application of the Principle of Insignificance in Inquiries and in the Disciplinary Administrative Process. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 14(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unicesumar.edu.br/index.php/revjuridica/article/view/3674
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