Notes on the Objective Stability of Demand in the Project of the New Civil Code and its Applicability to Safeguard the Environment
Principle of the Objective Stability of Demand, Project of the New Civil Code, Environmental TutelageAbstract
Several jurists opine that the Objective Stabilization of Demand is basic and indispensible to legal process and defense. The project of the new civil code has made only slight changes in the possibility of modifying pleading and pleading cause after the summons of the defendant. Immutability is logical when the cause refers to individual and private rights. However, when indivisible and unavailable goods are dealt with, such as diffused rights or the juridical environmental good, the principle must be revised. It seems that the opportunity of flexibility will not be conceded by the law-maker who only slightly modified the stabilization of demand in the project of the new civil law.Downloads
How to Cite
Dytz Marin, J., & Strauss Riemenschneider McPherson, P. (2014). Notes on the Objective Stability of Demand in the Project of the New Civil Code and its Applicability to Safeguard the Environment. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 14(2). Retrieved from
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