
  • Cleide Aparecida Gomes Rodrigues Fermentão UNICESUMAR



Justice, equality, liberty, human dignity


The analysis of Justice as an essential value and Human Dignity as a new theory of justice is debated. A philosophical research on the theories of justice defended by John Rawls and on the analysis of justice as equality and freedom by Serge-Christophe Kolm is conducted. The basic link to a life of freedom and human dignity develops between rights and social facts, under the influence of social life, which dynamically adds new values daily. The human person is protected by the principle of human dignity in its personal rights that guarantee justice. Among the values that foreground the human person to life, justice, dignity and freedom are necessary to direct ideas and provide conditions so that people may know and structure themselves, under the tutelage of interior values and law as an essential factor. In the wake of current crisis in moral, social and ethical values, justice has warranted the principle of human dignity.

Author Biography

Cleide Aparecida Gomes Rodrigues Fermentão, UNICESUMAR

Doutora em Direito das relações sociais pela UFPR -Mestre em Direito Civil pela UEM, professora no Programa de Mestrado, Especialização e graduação no CESUMAR


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How to Cite

Fermentão, C. A. G. R. (2016). PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS ON THE PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN DIGNITY AS A NEW THEORY OF JUSTICE. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 16(3), 877–896.



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