The Anti-Union Conduct: The Italian Law and the Draft Bill of the Union Reform in Brazil


  • Lorena Vasconcelos Porto PUC-Minas


Conduta anti-sindical, Direito italiano, Anteprojeto de Lei de Reforma Sindical no Brasil, Anti-union conduct, Italian Law, Union Reform Draft Bill in Brazil, Conducta antisindical, Derecho Italiano, Anteproyecto de ley de Reforma Sindical en Brasil.


The present paper deals about the anti-union conduct and the respective lawsuit for its own prevention and repression. It is a discussion of a compared study on the theme into the Italian law and the Brazilian law. Firstly, the Italian system of laws is analyzed, starting from the examination of the respective rules, the doctrine and the jurisprudence. Afterwards, it starts a study of the Brazilian law, facing the question in the current legal system, and in the subject proposed by the Draft Bill of the Union Reform. Finally, intending to conclude our work, a compared analysis is carried out, opposing the Italian Law with the Brazilian draft bill contents.

Author Biography

Lorena Vasconcelos Porto, PUC-Minas

*Doutoranda em Direito do Trabalho pela Universidade de Roma II; Mestranda em Direito do Trabalho pela Faculdade de Direito da PUC-Minas; Especialista em Direito do Trabalho pela Universidade de Roma II; Bacharel em Direito pela UFMG. Bolsista da CAPES.



How to Cite

Porto, L. V. (2008). The Anti-Union Conduct: The Italian Law and the Draft Bill of the Union Reform in Brazil. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 8(1), 13–32. Retrieved from


