Law’s Critical Science: Can One Talk About Criticism?
Direito, Sociedade, Teoria Crítica, Ensino Jurídico, Law, Society, Critical Theory, Juridical Teaching, Derecho, Sociedad, Teoría Crítica, Enseñanza Jurídica.Abstract
The present work starts from the idea that the development of a new paradigm represents the construction of a new rationality about the Law and juridical teaching in Brazil. The traditional model of techno-formal rationality is replaced by a critical-interdisciplinary model of emancipating rationality. This rationality, without denying the traditional dogma, stimulates thought about the existence of Law linked to reality and the construction of a new theoretical-critical model of Law. Thus, this work brings as a result, the principle that the scope of a critical theory is the construction of mechanisms that can enable the transformation of society, based on the man that constitutes it. It is about the emancipation of the old alienated man, concluding that it is actually possible to think of a critical theory that can occur to a historical-social philosophy of reflex cognitive structure.Downloads
How to Cite
Fachin, Z., & Heinzmann, C. (2008). Law’s Critical Science: Can One Talk About Criticism?. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 8(1), 131–145. Retrieved from
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