Analysis of the Importance of the Nutrition Education Subject at Elementary School Teaching According to Teachers from Public and Private Schools of Maringá, Pr, Brazil
educação nutricional, professores, ensino fundamentalAbstract
The rates of obesity and other non-transmissible chronic diseases are increasing daily among children. Knowing that the food habits are formed at childhood, this study aims at verifying the teachers’ (from both private and public schools) opinion about the importance of inserting the Nutrition Education subject at the elementary school. Seventy adults, teachers from public and private schools, took part. It was used a semi-structured questionnaire with objective questions about food knowledge and its importance. This sample presented that teachers believe in the efficiency of Nutrition Education. 85.29% (58) answered that the child would keep a good food habit for his or her adult life and 80.30% (53) said that obesity and other food related diseases could be prevented with Nutrition Education classes. Therefore, with the obtained results, it is concluded that the teachers in this research consider important that the Nutrition Education be part of the Primary Education. However, these teachers are not able to transmit the knowledge about this subject.Downloads
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How to Cite
Soares, A. C. F., Lazzari, A. C. M., & Ferdinandi, M. N. (2009). Analysis of the Importance of the Nutrition Education Subject at Elementary School Teaching According to Teachers from Public and Private Schools of Maringá, Pr, Brazil. Saúde E Pesquisa, 2(2), 179–184. Retrieved from
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