Flexible laringotracheoscopy in de-cannulation of tracheostomized patients: safety improvements for the patient


  • Mauricio Medeiros Lemos Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • César Orlando Peralta Bandeira
  • Vlaudimir Dias Marques
  • Jorge Juarez Vieira Teixeira
  • Maria Dalva Barros de Carvalho




Decanulação, Doenças traqueais, Medidas de segurança, Obstrução de via aérea, Traqueostomia.


To evaluate de-cannulation by flexible laringeotracheoscopy for laringeotracheal lesions which are not diagnosed by clinical criteria. One hundred tracheostomized patients, aged between 18 and 80 years old, with indication of de-cannulation submitted to occlusion of the cannula during three minutes to evaluate fonation and ventilation, followed by tests. De-cannulation by clinical criteria was compared with diagnosis of larigeotracheal lesions after the end of flexible laringeotracheoscopy. Myer-Cotton criteria were employed, a referential for the classification of laringeotracheal diseases. Sixty-two (62%) patients had clinical criteria for de-cannulation but with laringeotracheal disease identified by flexible largineotracheoscopy. Eight (8%) could be de-cannulated, based on clinical criteria which counterindicated the removal of the cannula. Only twenty-six (26%) did not present a laringeotracheal disease. Eleven (11%) were not de-cannulated since they did not comply with clinical and endoscopy criteria. Flexible laringeotracheoscopy acknowledged the laringeotracheal disease in patients who complied with clinical criteria for the removal of tracheal cannula. The test, as a routine in patients´ evaluation complying with de-cannulation criteria, was useful and safe.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Medeiros Lemos, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Programa de Ciências da Saúde

César Orlando Peralta Bandeira

Docente associado doutor da disciplina de cirurgia torácica da Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Jorge Juarez Vieira Teixeira

professor tide, Associado C da Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Maria Dalva Barros de Carvalho

Professora Associado C da Universidade Estadual de Maringá


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How to Cite

Lemos, M. M., Bandeira, C. O. P., Marques, V. D., Teixeira, J. J. V., & Carvalho, M. D. B. de. (2019). Flexible laringotracheoscopy in de-cannulation of tracheostomized patients: safety improvements for the patient. Saúde E Pesquisa, 12(2), 377–383. https://doi.org/10.17765/2176-9206.2019v12n2p377-383



Artigos Originas - Promoção da Saúde