Pattern prescription drugs for systemic hypertension in primary health care: systematic review and meta-analysis
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Prescription of drugs, Primary health care, Practice guideline, Systemic hypertension, Systematic reviewResumen
We investigated scientific publications on the prescription pattern of systemic hypertension drugs and use of guidelines in primary health care by systematic review and meta-analysis. Articles were selected in the PubMed, Web of Science and LILACS databases, according to the PRISMA statements, from 2004 to 2020. The systematic review showed a higher prescription pattern for combination therapy (52,9%). The meta-analysis confirmed the superiority of prescription for combination therapy (OR 1.76, CI 1.29 - 2.41). Was observed higher monotherapy prevalence in the Swedish study (98%) and combined therapy in Nigerian (98%). Higher frequency prescriptive of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in Trinidad (64%); diuretics (64%), beta blockers (63%), and calcium channel blockers (53%) in Nigeria; and angiotensin-receptor blockers (43%) in Portugal. Regarding the use of guidelines, 50% the studies reported their use for the prescription of antihypertensive in primary health care.Descargas
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