Biometric and nutritional aspects of cassava cultivars with biological inoculants
Genetic material, Inoculation, Coinoculation, Primary macronutrientsAbstract
Cassava has relevant importance in Brazilian agribusiness, being cultivated throughout the national territory. Its cultivation in many regions is carried out by producers with low purchasing power, who do not use fertilizers in planting, resulting in low productivity. In this situation, the use of biological inoculants, due to their low acquisition cost, may prove to be a promising alternative, since many microorganisms, in addition to being efficient in fixing atmospheric nitrogen, stimulate the development of plants, improving their productivity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of two cassava cultivars (IAC 12 and Talo Branco) to biological inoculants (Bacillus subtilis, Azospirillum brasilense, Bacillus megaterium+Bacillus subtilis and Azospirillum brasilense+Bacillus megaterium+Bacillus subtilis). The experiment was conducted in pots in a greenhouse. The plants were harvested 60 days after planting, evaluating the biometric attributes and the primary macronutrient content of the aerial part. Cassava varieties showed different responses to inoculants. For Talo Branco, coinoculation resulted in higher levels of chlorophyll in leaves and nitrogen and phosphorus in shoots. As for IAC 12, inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense in isolation provided better results for these parameters.References
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