Environmental marketing: the green appeal of certified products and consumer perception

Keywords: Certification, Consumer behavior, Green consumption, Sustainable marketing, Sustainable consumption


Given the expanding global niche of sustainable consumption, and the importance of environmental marketing being able to convey to sustainable consumers the image of a company committed to sustainability as well as that its products are sustainable, for success in this market, various promotion strategies can be adopted for this purpose. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the adopted environmental marketing strategies, and the perception of entrepreneurs regarding consumer behavior in relation to these strategies, in the city of Natal-RN. The study was based on a qualitative approach, with convenience and non-probabilistic sampling through which management professionals participated in in-depth interviews, who were chosen because they are associated with working with certified products and environmental marketing strategies in their respective activities in the municipality of Natal, RN. Regarding the results and conclusions, the interviews showed that among the main environmental marketing strategies adopted by the companies represented or assisted by the interviewees, the most used is actually the environmental certification, or the adoption of green seals. Regarding the perception of the interviewed entrepreneurs, managers and consultants, regarding consumers’ behavior in relation to the environmental certification strategy, according to them, even though it is important to communicate the origin of the company’s products and actions, in the sense of sustainability, according to their view, consumers still do not perceive certification as a relevant differential to influence their purchase decision, because they do not have an adequate understanding of the importance of such seal.

Author Biographies

Alípio Ramos Veiga Neto, Universidade Potiguar - UnP
PhD in Psychology from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUC-Campinas; Master in Psychology from PUC-Campinas, Brazil.
Arthur William Pereira da Silva, Potiguar University - UNP
PhD in Administration from the Potiguar University (UNP).
Márcia Vieira de Alencar Caldas, Universidade Potiguar - UnP
Master in Business Administration from Potiguar University (UNP), Brazil.
Laís Karla da Silva Barreto, Universidade Potiguar - UnP
PhD in Language Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil.
Walid Abbas El-Aouar, Universidade Potiguar - UNP
PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (URFN), Brazil.


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