Rights in a Pandemic: The Challenge of Being Older People
Majors, Rights, Pandemic, PersonasAbstract
The pests cause damage, real crisis, despondency, and attack us through the back, without miramientos. They are legal tenders, distributors of serious impotence whose recipients are, in principle, unprepared. Pests are very much throughout the history of humanity (Dabove, 2002). Some, the association with technological development and capitalism; others, the lack of education and prevention policies. Sometimes, pests affect young people preferentially, as occurred between 1351 and 1353 when Bocaccio writes the Decameron motivated by the Florentine epidemic of 1348. fiebre amarilla since the siglo XVII. It also succeeded in the cholera of the 19th century, in the flu epidemic of 1918, the bien with the dengue that only raged in this region. Today, el COVID-19, keep in town the greater population, the people of more than 60 years, and those who suffer from basic diseases, es decir, people with immune systems that are fragile.References
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