An analysis of utilitarianism and hedonism in the waiver of the right to privacy on the internet under the characterization of the consumer’s algorithmic vulnerability

Keywords: Privacy, Hedonism, Utilitarism, Consume, Vulnerability


This research aims to diagnose the interconnection between hedonism and utilitarianism in the abdication of the right to privacy in the digital environment, bringing this discussion to consumption, from the standpoint of protection of users' privacy, in attention to the vulnerable condition of the consumer. To this end, it was necessary to analyze the concepts of hedonic and utilitarian consumption, the study of the post-modern condition and the new limits in the aforementioned concepts, especially as to the online experience. It is concluded that both characteristics are present, in different proportions, being also responsible for the worsening of vulnerability and the deterioration of the user's privacy, characterizing especially the algorithmic vulnerability. This study was based on the deductive method and the bibliographic analysis of qualitative character.

Author Biographies

Janaina Vieira Homci, Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA
Doutoranda e Mestra pela Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA em Direitos Humanos. Advogada.
Lucas Cunha Imbiriba dos Santos, Faculdade de Estudos Avançados do Pará - FEAPA
Graduando no curso de Direito - Faculdade de Estudos Avançados do Pará - FEAPA.


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