Responsibility of Famous Actors in Elderly-People-Addressed Advertisements on Payday Loans
Consumer, Advertising, Elderly People, Responsibility, Celebrities.Abstract
Advertisements on payday loans addressed to retired elderly people, often with the participation of famous people in the social media, have been lately on the increase. Frequently the elderly audience is deceived by such advertisements, especially when the person showing the product is vested with faith and confidence by the public. This fact is specifically exacerbating when the audience consists of the elderly who, owing to their special status in society, have been treated differentially through the Elderly People Statute (Law 10.742/03). The practice of payday loans, advertisements and the responsibility of famous people in the media should be examined from the point of view of the Brazilian Consumer Code (Law 8.078/90) and the Elderly People Statute so that abuses against people in that age group could be avoided.Downloads
How to Cite
Oliveira, S. A. P. de. (2010). Responsibility of Famous Actors in Elderly-People-Addressed Advertisements on Payday Loans. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 10(2). Retrieved from
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