Effects of the Constitution on Individual Rights: The Constitutionalization Process

  • Jairo Néia Lima Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP
  • Eduardo Augusto Salomão Cambi Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR
Keywords: Fundamental Rights, Decoding, Constitutionalization.


The historical process involving constitutional norms, particularly the fundamental rights of the human being, and their relationship with the laws on individual rights is discussed. The essay deals with the phenomenon of decoding civil law where it concedes space for the Constitution to take over the centrality of the legal system and distribute its effects to all branches of law. Current discussion exposes the constitutionalization of civil law as a consequence of the place given by constitutional norms. The 1988 Brazilian Constitution represents the duty of society so that the transformation of social reality is materialized and the protection of human dignity is guaranteed.

Author Biographies

Jairo Néia Lima, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP
Mestrando em Ciência Jurídica pela Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná – UENP; Docente de Direito Constitucional na. Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná – UENP; Analista Judiciário Tribunal Regional Federal - TRF 4. E-mail: jaironlima@yahoo.com.br
Eduardo Augusto Salomão Cambi, Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR
Pós-doutor em Direito Processual pela Università degli Studi di Pavia - UNIPV, Itália; Doutor e Mestre pela Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR; Docente da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP e da Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR; Membro Ministério Público do Paraná - MP E-mail: eduardocambi@hotmail.com