Considerations on the socio-affective filiation in the brazilian law

  • Christiane Singh Bezerra UNIPAR-Paranavaí
  • Maria Aparecida Singh Bezerra de Lima UNIPAR-Paranavaí / CESUMAR


The socio-affective filiation represents one of the great innovations in the array of paternal family law and consecrate the equality among children. The analysis of the characteristics, the requirements and the way how socioaffective filiation consubstantiates, brings to family relations a new specie of filiation not anticipated in the new Brazilian Civil Code. This type of filiation, although not disciplined, has been supported by the doctrine nad the paternal jurisprudence.

Author Biographies

Christiane Singh Bezerra, UNIPAR-Paranavaí
Advogada, professora da UNIPAR-Paranavaí, especialista em Direito Aplicado.
Maria Aparecida Singh Bezerra de Lima, UNIPAR-Paranavaí / CESUMAR
Advogada, professora da UNIPAR-Paranavaí, Especialista em Direito e Processo Civil, mestranda em Direito das Relações Privadas pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR