The inadequacy of the carbon credit policy against the fundamental right of balanced environmental and intergenerational justice

Keywords: Sustainability, Intergenerational Justice, Carbon Emissions, Global warming, International Responsibility, Kyoto Protocol, Carbon Credits, Agreement of Paris.


The climate impacts of global warming compromise intergenerational environmental justice. While acknowledging this problem, the use and demand for fossil fuels remains high. The discussion was aggravated after the Kyoto Protocol, which established carbon credits policy. The purpose of this article is to analyze the adequacy of this measure, concluding that it is inadequate in the face of the worldwide participation in the market, which prevents the global balance of carbon emissions, and slow carbon feedback. The research, bibliographical and documentary, relates physical science and law, to proceed with deductions and interpretive and critical analysis.

Author Biographies

Tatiane Silva Ferreira, Universidade de Itaúna - UIT
Mestre em Direitos Fundamentais pelo programa de Pós-graduação Stricto sensu (PPGD) da Universidade de Itaúna UIT (MG), Brasil. Advogada.
Elaine Aparecida Barbosa Gomes, Universidade de Itaúna - UIT
Mestre em Direitos Fundamentais pelo programa de Pós-graduação Stricto sensu (PPGD) da Universidade de Itaúna UIT (MG), Brasil. Advogada.
Deilton Ribeiro Brasil, Universidade de Itaúna - UIT
Doutor em Direito pela Universidade Gama Filho (UGF/RJ). Docente Permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Proteção dos Direitos Fundamentais da Universidade de Itaúna (UIT), Itaúna (MG) e das Faculdades Santo Agostinho (FASASETE_AFYA), Sete Lagoas (MG), Brasil.


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