Brief Constitutional Annotations: The Supremacy and Control of Constitutionality in Argentina: Areas, Organs, Routes and Effects
Constitutional supremacy and, Constitutionality control, State organizationAbstract
O State or civilized and modern Nation has a Constitution to support its scaffolding, whether institutionally or legally speaking. Also for other reasons that would exceed the subject matter. Every legal system prevails because it has as its basis a written document or instrument (in the case of formal constitutions, written character), which is endowed with force, value and validity over the rest of the rules (it is understood by constitutional supremacy) . From there it follows that the norms that are derived or spread by said order are those whose essential quality is to conform the fundamental right of organization of the State. Not only in terms of the material, but also in the formal, constitutional supremacy deals with its condition of formal predominance over the other legal norms that make up the legal system in question. It would not be absurd to call it the norm of norms, nor the law of laws, if we refer to its organizational function of the rule of law and its establishment within it as the supreme norm by the normative force of the Constitution itself.References
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How to Cite
Pizarro, D. R. . (2021). Brief Constitutional Annotations: The Supremacy and Control of Constitutionality in Argentina: Areas, Organs, Routes and Effects. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 20(3), 539–550.
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