Pure Theory of Law and Legal Positivism: The Influence of Positivism in Hans Kelsen´s Theory and it´s Impacts

Keywords: Hans Kelsen, Legal Normativism, Legal Positivism, Pure Theory of Law


Hans Kelsen is considered one of the central agents for the transformation and understanding of Law as a Science. His work, mainly the Pure Theory of Law, is considered one of the most notable and discussed texts in contemporary brazilian juridical context, fostering a series of debates between the defenders and critics of Kelsen's thought. In this sense, we aim to analyze the Kelsen´s pure theory, also his theory about the purity of law from the point of view of legal positivism (normativism), verifying the main impacts of the correlation between legal positivism and the pure theory. For this, we take into consideration the most recent debate about the basic norm (hypothetical and fundamental). We problematize the basic norm, questioning if it is naturalist or positivist. The method used in the research is the hyphotetical-deductive approach, with the monographic procedure method, together with the indirect documentation research technique.

Author Biographies

Leilane Serratine Grubba, Faculdade Meridional - IMED
J.S.D Law. M.Phil Law. M.Phil Humanities. L.L.B. Law. Associate Professor of Law, Dept. Law, IMED University (Brazil). Teaches in Law Graduation and Masters. Associate Professor of Psychology, Dept. Psychology, IMED University (Brazil). Teaches in Masters. Member of the Diplomatic Corps of Youth for Human Rights Brazil (YFHRB). Member of Women ́s Commission for Passo Fundo, Brazilian Bar Association.
Alexandre Marques Silveira, Faculdade Meridional - IMED
Master in Law from the Southern Faculty of Passo Fundo (IMED), Research Line - II Mechanisms for the Effectiveness of Democracy and Sustainability - Area of concentration - Law, Democracy and Sustainability, where he was a PROSUP / CAPES scholarship holder. Specialist in Criminal Law from the Faculty of Law Prof. Damásio de Jesus. Member of the research group Criminology, Violence and Social Sustainability IMED) coordinated by Professor Dr. Felipe da Veiga Dias. Graduated in Law from Faculdade Metodista de Santa Maria (FAMES) - 2014. Has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on the following areas: Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure; Criminology with an emphasis on Critical Criminology and Green Criminology; Crimes of the powerful and the perspective of social damage (Zemiology); Victimology and Scientific Methodology. Professor of the Law course at Faculdade Meridional (IMED). Passo Fundo-RS .


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