Keywords: Autarchy Zones, Public Sphere


Current analysis is based on the juridical and critical thought rooted in the Frankfurt School and on the investigation of the jurist José Rodrigo Rodriguez. The paper discusses the configuration of law on the collective injunction processed and judged by the Court of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS) on the vindication of trainees against the suspended payment during the 2014/2015 court vacation. The case study method was employed for an empirical research within the investigation of facts, their implications and relative consequences to a duly limited phenomenon. The issue may be resumed in the following questions: How did the judicialization of the conflict in the collective injunction occur against the suspension of payment for the 2014/2015 court vacation of the TJRS? How may social forces involved be characterized within the context of the decision? Current approach requires proper institutional reformulations to absorb social demands through the radicalization of democracy (RODRIGUEZ, 2009, 2013). It is thus inserted within the critical task of the problematization of the ‘autarchy zones’, a category formulated by Rodriguez and basic in current paper. Situations indicate some modes of existence of the autarchy zones and the employment of false legality. On the other hand, the democratically governed public debate permits that the up-till-now contra-hegemonic positions may be defended in the name of social emancipation. The ‘struggle for rights in democracy’ is the key to avoid backtracking.

Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo Pereira Siqueira, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
Advogado. Mestrando em Direito Público pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS. Pesquisador CAPES. Membro do Núcleo Direito e Democracia do Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento
José Rodrigo Rodriguez
Possui graduação em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (1995), mestrado em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (2001) e Doutorado em Filosofia (linha Teoria do Direito e do Estado) pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2006). Atualmente, é Professor do PPG (Mestrado e Doutorado) da UNISINOS e Pesquisador Permanente do CEBRAP ligado ao Núcleo Direito e Democracia


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