Effects of juvenile physical and psychological stress on the suprarenal gland in adult rats
Physical stress, Psychological stress, Endocrinal gland, MorphologyAbstract
Stress is a response to different stimuli experienced by the organism for its adaption to homeostasis. Due to its high occurrence, several experimental models are being developed to understand better the interrelationships between these organs. Current paper evaluates long-term effects of juvenile physical and psychological stress on the suprarenal glands of rats with regard to morphological aspects. In fact, these glands have a direct relationship with stress conditions. Rats´ suprarenal glands were processed and their medulla and cortex were morphologically investigated through planimetry. Results show that physical and psychological stress failed to cause significant changes on the surface area and thickness of the glands. This fact showed adaptation of animals to the type of stress under analysis.Downloads
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