Personality rights in respect to paternity investigation and the presumption of juris tantum


  • Roseli Ramadan Ahmad
  • Wanderlei de Paula Barreto Cesumar


Paternidade, Identidade Genética, DNA, Direito da Personalidade. Paternity, Genetical Identity, Personality Rights. Paternidad, Identidad Genética, Derecho de Personalidad.


This work seeks to identify the right to know the genetical identity of a human being, informed by the dignity principle, and made possible by the evolution of genetics – the DNA test. It also discusses the conflicts established by the various human being fundamental rights, not only is respect to the possible child rights to be recognized, but also in terms of the possible father rights not to recognize him/her, and the possibility of making these rights relative. It also reviews the role of the presumption institute juris tantum and its effects in face of the refusal of the investigated to be submitted to the DNA test, and the paternity presumption defined by the STJ’s Compendium 301. Finally it talks about the possibility of making relative the object in judgment in face of negative paternity by the means of a late DNA test.

Author Biographies

Roseli Ramadan Ahmad

Advogada; Especialista em Direito Civil – Sucessões, Família e Processo Civil; Especialista em Direito do Estado – Área Constitucional; Mestranda em Ciências Jurídicas – Direitos da Personalidade na Tutela Jurídica Privada e Constitucional no CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá.

Wanderlei de Paula Barreto, Cesumar

Pós Doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade Heidelbert e Max Plank Institut, Alemanha; Doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade Ebrhard-Karls, Alemanha; Docente do curso de Mestrado em Direito e coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa de Direitos da Personalidade do CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá



How to Cite

Ahmad, R. R., & Barreto, W. de P. (2007). Personality rights in respect to paternity investigation and the presumption of juris tantum. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 7(1), 197–216. Retrieved from


